Herbal J

HeRBaL_J & Sometimes Friends Rick DB & Alain (Future Primitive ) Frank Itty The Jetlaggers


Early 1992 Dj Zjwief (aka HeRBaL-j) started out producing acid & acid trance with Johann F under the pseudonym Creanoid projects. Two years later this early love for electronic music resulted in the launch of the legendary Raving Zones (Casino Oostende) together with people like dj A-bat. These were rather successful underground acid parties with BWP Brussels (D-Jack, Seal Phuric, Degg, Little Pat).

Although already having been introduced to turntables on private parties, and getting a bit the hang of it after only 2 months, it wasn’t until after the first 2 Raving Zones that he moved more seriously into the mixing department. Never having a warming up dj the folks at Raving zone just played a tape at the start of the event until Zjwief couldn’t stand it anymore and confiscated the decks and A-bat’s vinyl box. An experience that was so positive that he soon started to buy acid and did all the warming ups for the next Raving Zones. Later he even became headliner until 1998, when Raving Zone ceased to exist. His love for music grew steadily and he began experimenting with other styles of music such as techno, breaks, big beat, funk, jazz,…

After the RZ-era A-bat & Zjwief organised much smaller parties and were mainly concentrating on spinning on different parties, with highlights as for example Leffinge Leuren festival (3 consecutive years), but in April 2000 they came with a new successful concept called V.I.R.U.S.(again at Casino Oostende) which hosted a bunch of international dj’s such as UMEK, CHRISTIAN VARELA,TIM TAYLOR, Mark BROOM,….

Late 2000 he came in contact with TwEeD through a mutual friend, and that way he automatically got introduced to Drum ’n Bass. Not liking it at first he slowly began appreciating this style of music until after some time he got completely hooked on it. HeRBaL-J was born…

A dream was realised when, again with A-bat, he organised a multi-genre new year’s party called Sound Odyssey (which is still on!) with styles like Techno, Acid, House, Drum ’n Bass, Groove, … . It is also on this party that he made his first public appearance as HeRBaL-J. Entrailed by this experience Nirwana Kru’s first party BASS-X soon was a fact. Since then he has had the opportunity to play over the whole the country, and has been active as ever as a promoter!

and since july 2004 also a member of sub-junkz

Favourite DJS :

Myster Mason, Wontime, Andy C, Raiden, Technical Itch, Hive, Dieselboy, Ink and so much more….

Particle Zoo

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Mixcloud: http://www.mixcloud.com/HeRBaL_J
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HerbalJ
Website: http://www.reverbnation.com/herbalj

Management / Booking
Email: info@mangoestrecords.be

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